Certification Programs - CranioSacral Therapy

CST Techniques and
Diplomate Certifications

When it comes to providing quality care for clients, nothing sets apart an experienced manual therapist like specialized skills and knowledge gained through Upledger's CranioSacral Therapy Certification Programs. Whether you're just starting out in your career, or you want to sharpen your skills even more with advanced studies, embarking on our Certification Programs is one of the most rewarding investments a manual therapist can make - professionally speaking but also on a personal level, as it will instill confidence in both you and your clients when it comes time for treatments. Become Upledger CranioSacral Therapy Certified* and learn how precise manual therapy interventions can help reduce symptoms while improving a person's overall function.

**In order to take the Upledger Certification Program, a candidate must be a healthcare professional with the appropriate licensure or certificate to treat humans.

CranioSacral Therapy Techniques (includes seminars CS1 and CS2, and examinations) Register with Special Core-Pak Pricing to begin your CST Techniques Certification Journey.

This is a very good process to work through. It's not just about having some credentials, which is very important, but also about using this process to solidify your knowledge and your hands-on skills. I would recommend it.

CranioSacral Therapy Diplomate (includes seminars SER1, SER2 and ADV1 and examinations) Register with Special Advanced Core-Pak Pricing to begin your CST Diplomate Certification Journey.

It isn't just the pride in earning the certification, it's the process of honing and solidifying our skills. I've enjoyed it so much that I am committed to helping others with the exam process. You will get more out of all the other classes available to us when the foundational CST skills are solid.

CST Certification Flowchart

Upledger Certification Testing Success

Certification Programs


The CST Certification process helps to channel the therapist's innate desire and responsibility in learning CST.

  • Attend courses that are taught by world-class faculty who are deeply knowledgeable in our therapeutic disciplines and want to see you succeed.
  • Receive comprehensive training in CST that can make all the difference for achieving patient outcomes.
  • Receive recognition via "Certified" designation on our IAHP.com alumni referral website for being a knowledgeable practitioner of this therapeutic discipline.
  • Stand out among your peers as an expert in this field of study.
  • Have access to the latest research, evidence-informed and evidence-based practice techniques, mentoring opportunities and more - all while growing professionally.
  • Affirm your capabilities and understanding of the techniques.
  • Build confidence in the minds of your patient/clients that you are highly skilled in the modality.
  • Help build the case for local and national governmental recognition.
  • Play a pivotal role in securing the rights of all qualified therapists to practice CST.
  • Receive "Certified" designation in your alumni directory listing on the International Association of Healthcare Practitioners website.
  • Are eligible to use the applicable UII Certification logo in your advertising and on business cards.

Note: CST Certification does not serve as a hands-on license.

Note: Not ready to commit to the full certification program? You can get started by taking courses in the core curriculum and then decide to continue through the full program at a later date.

Why should I become Certified?

  • Represents the highest credential as it comes from the developer of the modality – Dr. John E. Upledger.
  • Communicates a commitment to safe, ethical practice.
  • Provides a competitive edge – establishes you as a dedicated professional with the highest standards of excellence.
  • Gains credibility - when you are tested on the techniques and information, you learn it at a much deeper and more comprehensive level.
  • Enhances networking visibility - your listing on the International Association of Healthcare Practitioners website will designate that you are Certified.
  • Increases employment opportunities – employers know Certified practitioners have proven their level of knowledge and hands-on ability.
  • Reassures clients – clients are becoming more savvy and are looking for the most trained practitioners; holding a Certification shows that a practitioner has not only studied that training, but they have mastered the material.

What initials may I use after my name once I am Certified?

After the Techniques Level, you may use the designation: CST-T.

After the Diplomate Level, you may use the designation: CST-D.


What if I attended some of the classes several years ago? Can I still sit for Certification?

We encourage you to review the material, either in class, or via IAHP review videos before testing, in addition to clinical experience of course.


What material is covered on the examinations?

There are two levels of CS Certification – Techniques and Diplomate. The critical difference between the two is that Techniques Level covers CS1-CS2 and the Diplomate Level additionally covers through ADV1. All of the material is provided in the seminars, study guides, as well as the textbooks for each level.

The written exams consist of fill-in-the-blank, true/false and multiple choice questions.

They include:

  • Anatomy/Physiology
  • Indications/Contraindications
  • Pathology
  • Evaluation
  • Techniques

The practical exams are given one-on-one with an examiner.

They consist of demonstrating and explaining various techniques to include:

  • Anatomy
  • Hand placement
  • Tissue response
  • Verbal accuracy
  • Listening accuracy
  • Evaluation/Technique

How do I best prepare for the testing?

  • It is highly recommended that you repeat the seminar levels when possible, as you learn the material at a deeper level each time you attend the class.
  • A person may repeat (CS1-SER2) for a substantially reduced rate while actively signed up for the corresponding Certification Program (upon space availability).
  • Get involved in local Study Groups or help coordinate Study Groups in your region. Become qualified to be a Teaching Assistant.
  • Practice with other Therapists in your area.
  • All of the information for the testing will be found in the seminars, study guides, as well as in the textbooks.

How do I begin the testing for the Certification Program?

  • In order to participate in the Upledger Certification Program, a candidate must be a healthcare professional with the appropriate licensure or certificate to treat humans.
  • Candidates must first successfully complete the corresponding class or classes.
  • Complete the application and sign up for the applicable Certification Program by registering with UII via phone or on-line and pay the registration fee.
  • You will be e-mailed the at-home essay exam corresponding to the levels of classes that you have completed.
  • Once complete, e-mail the essay exam back to UII. Your test score will be e-mailed to you within 4-6 weeks.
  • Once you have passed the written exam, you are eligible to sit for the written/oral/practical exam for the corresponding Level.
  • You will receive a confirmation email stating your eligibility along with information on how to schedule your exam with a Certified Examiner.

What is the required format for Case Studies for Diplomate Certification?

Case studies should be turned in for review in Word document form via email to essay@upledger.com prior to the student's on-site testing with an examiner.

  • Suggested length: 1 page each (*you may exceed one page if you wish)
  • Case Number: 1 - 5
  • Therapist: Your name
  • Therapist: Your profession
  • Title for Case Study: Briefly describe your case (e.g. Auto Accident Neck Pain and CST)
  • Date: Last date of treatment
  • Patient: Age and gender
  • Symptoms: Presenting symptoms and/or diagnosis
  • Evaluation at each session
  • Treatment: Findings during evaluation, treatment techniques and procedures used, and number of treatments applied (Objective findings: recommended)
  • Outcome: Results
  • Discussion
  • HIPAA compliant: When writing your case studies, please ensure they do not include real or full names and/or distinguishing factors that could be used to identify a patient
  • Here is an example of a CS case
  • Submission waiver: students must also provide waiver stating UII can or cannot use their case studies in our databases and social media by filling out Case Submission Waiver

If you wish to take your cases a step further, while not required for certification, Upledger Institute International encourages publication of cases, as it furthers the credibility of this body of work, and makes more therapists aware of the potential of CST. ONLY IF you wish to have your case reports considered for publication, please use our Suggested Case Report for Publication Format. If you do not wish to use your cases for anything other than certification, please use the format listed above.


What are the goals for Case Studies submitted for Certification?

  • Case studies are beneficial for your certification preparation.
  • They provide a forum for an individual to present their experiences and enhance professional development.
  • It is the responsibility of a profession to help forward the field and assist the disciplines in gaining further acceptance; this can be effectively done with case studies that are published and shared.
  • They share information that will be of interest to others.
  • Case studies assist in making CST available and understandable to a larger audience. 

How do I arrange to take the practical exam?

  • Once you have successfully completed the written exam requirements for a Level, you will receive an e-mail explaining the following details.
  • You will find a listing of Certified UII Examiners by clicking here. 
  • Contact an individual Examiner to reserve your examination date and time.
  • When you sign up with a Certified Examiner, they will inform you of the address and directions to the testing site.
You may need to provide a patient for your practical exam – check with the Certified Examiner. 


How soon after I attend a class may I take the written exam?

There is no waiting period to take the written exam, however we recommend that you give yourself sufficient time to review what was taught in the seminar.


How many test questions appear on the written and practical exams?

Both the Techniques and Diplomate levels contain the following:

  • essay exam consisting of 12 questions for the CST-T Essay Exam and 17 questions for the CST-D Essay Exam, open book, taken at home with no time limit on how long you have to complete this portion of the exam process
  • objective exam taken on-site with an examiner consisting of 40 multiple choice questions
  • practical exam taken on-site with examiner that will require the applicant to demonstrate all techniques taught in CS1 and CS2 for the adult and appropriate oral responses, including test questions selected to accurately reflect class knowledge and information necessary to effectively treat patient.

What is the passing score for the Certification Exams?

A passing score on the written essay exam is 80%, on the objective exam is an 70% and on the practical exam is 85%.


Cancellation/refund policy

Your tuition is 100% refundable as long as you have not received any written tests. Your refund will be prorated $50 per written test that has been sent to you, whether you have completed the test or not. Refund requests must be made in writing (e-mail or mail).


My Certificate was damaged, destroyed or lost. What should I do to get a new one?

Send an e-mail to registration@upledger.com containing the concern. There is a $15 fee for a new Certificate. A new certificate will be issued and mailed to you. Be sure to include your updated mailing information.


My name was spelled incorrectly on my Certificate. How can I get a new one?

Send an e-mail to registration@upledger.com containing the concern and the correct spelling. A new certificate will be issued and mailed to you. Be sure to include your updated mailing information.


I recently married/divorced and need to change the name on my certificate.

Send an email to registration@upledger.com  containing the concern and your new name. There is a $15 fee for a new Certificate. A copy of the marriage/divorce certificate/license must be included with the request (e-mailed or faxed). A new certificate will be issued and mailed to you. Be sure to include your updated mailing information.

What do I need to do to maintain my Certification?

UII requires that each therapist certified in CranioSacral Therapy through the UII certification program complete 24 hours every four years of UII-approved continuing education. This may be in the form of UII CST courses (participating or assisting), mentor programs, symposiums, research conferences or preceptorships. UII reserves the right to revoke certification for actions deemed inappropriate by the certification ethics committee. 

If your Certification lapses, and you choose to have this credential renewed, contact us at 561.622.4334 to share your interest. You will need to arrange for and successfully pass the Practical Exam.

Could my Certification be revoked?

Yes, UII reserves the right to revoke certification for actions deemed inappropriate by the certification ethics committee.  

CranioSacral Therapy Techniques Certification

  • Ensures a keen understanding of anatomy, physiology and CranioSacral Therapy techniques.
  • Opens opportunities in Preceptorship Programs with approved practitioners worldwide.

Helps preserve the right of qualified healthcare professionals to practice CranioSacral Therapy. Paves the way to future healthcare legislation, licensing and insurance reimbursements.

Techniques Certification: Allows you to use the professional designation "CST-T" in your title.

Prerequisite: CranioSacral Therapy 2

* For any state/province that does not require a hands-on license to perform CranioSacral Therapy, the following documentation is required:

  • Language from your state/province indicating this ruling
  • Documentation of your training in the following minimum requirements:
    • Anatomy and Physiology - 80 hours
    • Pathology - 15 hours
      If you do not already have all this coursework, or access to it, the following customized program through the London College of Osteopathy meets the requirements: Upledger Health Science Essentials.
    • 3 hours of ethics, such as our video-Ethics in Action, or other accredited professional organization or school


  • Licensed healthcare professional – a candidate must hold the appropriate licensure or certificate to treat humans
  • Successful completion of UII CranioSacral Therapy 1 and 2
  • Complete a Techniques-level essay exam, objective exam and practical/oral exam that tests your ability to understand and apply CST techniques.
  • Complete 75 10-Step Protocol Sessions

Call to Register:
1-561-622-4334, ext. 2
1-800-233-5880, ext. 2 (toll free)

Cost of Certifying:
Techniques Level: $500*


One (1) sitting for objective written and practical/oral exam (to retake any unpassed portion of practical exam the cost is 50% of the cost of Certification)
CST Techniques Certificate, upon successful completion of certification.
* Testing site may involve additional fee depending on location.

Application Procedures:

  • CranioSacral Therapy Core-Pak participants: simply click to complete the applicant Data Form in Word format, or in PDF format.
  • If you are not in the CranioSacral Therapy Core-Pak, to begin the application process, you must first officially register for the certification program by calling 1-561-622-4334, ext. 2 or 1-800-233-5880, ext. 2 or by registering on-line. After that, an applicant data form will be forwarded to you with a cover letter outlining expectations, such as material you should know and exam logistics. Upon UII's receipt of your applicant data form, you will be sent the essay test with instructions for completing and returning it to us for grading. With your essay passing notification, you will receive information and instructions regarding the objective and practical/oral exams.

Maintaining Certified Status:
UII requires that each therapist certified in CranioSacral Therapy through the UII certification program complete 24 hours every four years of UII-approved continuing education. This may be in the form of UII CST courses (participating or assisting), mentor programs, symposiums, research conferences or preceptorships. Prior to renewal, each candidate will be asked to provide a renewal application, including a copy of a current healthcare related professional license (or equivalent document providing the legal ability to professionally practice hands-on therapy). UII reserves the right to revoke certification for actions deemed inappropriate by the certification ethics committee.

CranioSacral Therapy Diplomate Certification

  • Ensures a keen understanding of anatomy, physiology and CranioSacral Therapy techniques.
  • Opens opportunities in Preceptorship Programs with approved practitioners worldwide.
  • Helps preserve the right of qualified healthcare professionals to practice CranioSacral Therapy.
  • Paves the way to future healthcare legislation, licensing and insurance reimbursements.

Diplomate Certification: Allows you to use the professional designation "CST-D" in your title.

Prerequisite: Advanced 1 CranioSacral Therapy


  • Licensed healthcare professional – a candidate must hold the appropriate licensure or certificate to treat humans
  • Successful completion of Advanced CranioSacral Therapy 1
  • Successfully pass all Techniques-level requirements.
  • Complete a Diplomate-level essay exam, objective exam and practical/oral exam that tests your ability to understand and apply CST techniques.
  • Provide five case histories.
  • Complete a Preceptorship Program (30 contact hours minimum). This can be one of the following: support therapist in Intensive Program, precept an Advanced class; attend a Clinical Application of SER or Clinical Application of Advanced CST class.
  • Present a six-hour CST presentation to an organized group (can be in combinations) - or - publish an article on CST in a third-party publication (including on-line publications, your local professional association newsletter, and/or wellness publications).

Call to Register:
1-561-622-4334, ext. 2
1-800-233-5880, ext. 2 (toll free)

Cost of Certifying:
Diplomate Level: $500*


One (1) sitting for objective written and practical/oral exam (to retake any unpassed portion of practical exam the cost is 50% of the cost of Certification)
CST Diplomate Certificate, upon successful completion of certification.
* Preceptorship and/or testing site may involve additional fee depending on location.

Application Procedures:

  • CranioSacral Therapy Core-Pak participants: simply click to complete the applicant Data Form in Word format, or in PDF format.
  • If you are not in the CranioSacral Therapy Core-Pak, to begin the application process, you must first officially register for the certification program by calling 1-561-622-4334, ext. 2 or 1-800-233-5880, ext. 2 or by registering on-line. After that, an applicant data form will be forwarded to you with a cover letter outlining expectations, such as material you should know and exam logistics. Upon UII's receipt of your applicant data form, you will be sent the essay test with instructions for completing and returning it to us for grading. With your essay passing notification, you will receive information and instructions regarding the objective and practical/oral exams.

Maintaining Certified Status:
UII requires that each therapist certified in CranioSacral Therapy through the UII certification program complete 24 hours every four years of UII-approved continuing education. This may be in the form of UII CST courses (participating or assisting), mentor programs, symposiums, research conferences or preceptorships. Prior to renewal, each candidate will be asked to provide a renewal application, including a copy of a current healthcare related professional license (or equivalent document providing the legal ability to professionally practice hands-on therapy). UII reserves the right to revoke certification for actions deemed inappropriate by the certification ethics committee.

CST Technique Certification Exam Preparation Session

Course Length: Varies; offered in both 1- and 2-day, in-person and virtual formats
Call 1-561-622-4334, ext. 2 or 1-800-233-5880, ext. 2 for information and to register.

Course Highlights:

This is a unique opportunity to:

  • Ask questions about the CST Techniques Certification process
  • Learn what subjects are particularly important for you to focus on when studying for certification
  • Gain insights into how to best utilize your time in preparing for testing.

Prerequisite: CranioSacral Therapy 2 and in process of CranioSacral Therapy Certification

Register Today!

CranioSacral Therapy Techniques Certification Examiners

Name Location Phone Languages
Eric Moya LMT, CST-D Albuquerque, NM 505.489.3020 English
Rebecca Ridge PhD, LMT, CST-D Anoka, MN 763.753.5168 English
Nadia Felix, PT Argentina 0054.11.4803.0241 Spanish, English
Kristiane Heidrich PT, CST-D Australia 011.61.405.501012 English
Erin Riley CST-D Australia 011.61.406.249.221 English
Signy Erickson DC, LMT, CST-D Bend, OR 541.317.8505 English, Spanish
Mariann Sicso PT, CST-D Boca Raton, FL 561.394.3554 English
Kimberly Painter, PT, LMT, CST-D Bountiful, Utah 979.574.5201 English
Renee Lutz MS, RPT, CST-D Brazil English, Portuguese, Spanish
Nan Woodward PT, CST-D Cave Creek, AZ 480.488.5934 English
Avadhan Larson LAc, CMT, CST-D Colorado Springs, CO 719.256.6606 English
Dick Larson Certified Advanced Rolfer, CST Colorado Springs, CO 719.937.7722 English
Stan Gerome LMT, CST-D Coral Springs, FL 954.568.9050 English
Gloria Geer HHP, CMT, CST-D Corvina, CA 818.919.3363 English
Mable Sharp MS, PT, CM, CST Detroit, MI 248.799.9232 English
Michael Morgan LMT, CST-D Fairfield, IA 312.543.4719 English
Lori Leitzel Rice LMT, CST-D Frederick, MD 301.631.2227 English
Gert Groot Landeweer CST-D Germany 011.49.761.3837424 English, German
Rene Assink, PT, HP, DO, CST-D, BI-D Germany +49.171.743.77.1 English, German
Karyn Quraishy, MSPT, CST-D Honeoye Falls, NY 619.988.5569 English
Orsolya Gabriel CST-D, P.T., N.P. Hungary English, Hungarian
Erla Olafsdottir PT, CST-D Iceland 354.8630610 English, Icelandic
Anna Chiara Bosi CST-D Italy 011.39.516.241801 English, Italian
Diego Maggio DO, CST-D Italy English, Italian
Patricia Quirini, CST-D Italy 39.065693753 Italian, English
Fred Stahlman PT, CST-D Jupiter, FL 239.398.3154 English
Nina Chernick BA, RMT, CST-D London, Ontario 519.951.8109 English
Candace Pantoga, MS-OTR/L, CST-D Madison, WI 608.886.7986 English
Ton Bottema DO, CST-D Netherlands 011.31.316.331776 English, Dutch
Hans Huikeshoven CST-D Netherlands English, Dutch
Maarten Prakken DO, CST-D Netherlands 011.31343.415997 Dutch
Eloise Stager, LMT, CST-D New Milford, CT 860.488.0948 English
Kenneth Frey PT, CST-D New York, NY 212.245.1700 English
Xanthe Ashton CST-D New Zealand 643.322.4858 English
Claudia Silva PT, CST-D, CIMBE Orlando, FL 407.719.0448 English, Portuguese, Spanish
Rebecca Flowers OTR, BCP, CST-D Palm Beach Gardens, FL 561.622.4706 English
Ali Gabriel DrPH, MA, CST-D Phoenix, AZ 480.553.8355 English
Wojtek Garwolinski, PT, CST-D Poland +48.882.001.336 English, Polish
Jose Campos DO, BSc, CST-D Portugal 351.932.837.805 English, Portuguese
Rita Benamor DO, BI-D, CST-D Portugal 351.213.976.338 English, French, Italian, Portuguese, Spanish
Susan Steiner OTR/L, CST-D Providence, RI 401.831.0985 English
Karen Axelrod BA, CST-D, CMT Redondo Beach, CA 310.376.0113 English
Mario Jose Vega Hernandez, DO, CST-D Spain 619.078.285 Spanish, English
Fernando Barea Perez, DO, TO, CST-D Spain, Panama +34 667 52 43 73 Spanish, English
Jose Luis Perez Batlle Spain, Panama +34 619 49 33 28 Spanish, English
Matthias Moesle CST-D Switzerland English, French, German, Italian
Chas Perry Ph.D, CST-D Truth or Consequences, NM 575.894.4325 English
Margaret Gill CST-D, MCSS United Kingdom English
Carol McLellan CMT, CST-D Visalia, CA 559.636.6430 English
Natalie Bledstein, OTR/L, CST-D Wales, WI 262.409.5571 English
Rob Fournier, OTR, CST-D West Palm Beach, FL 586.292.3104 English

CranioSacral Therapy Diplomate Certification Examiners

Name Location Phone Languages
Rebecca Ridge PhD, LMT, CST-D Anoka, MN 763.400.0963 English
Erin Riley, PT, CST-D Australia 011.61.406.249.221 English
Kim Painter, PT, LMT, CST-D Bountiful, Utah 979.574.5201 English
Maggie Gill MCSS, CST-D Brighton, United Kingdom +44.127.330.8158 English
Nan Woodward PT,CST-D Cave Creek, AZ 480.488.5934 English
Avadhan Larson LAc, CMT, CST-D Colorado Springs, CO 719.256.6606 English
Lori Leitzel Rice LMT, CST-D Frederick, MD 301.631.2227 English
Gert Groot Landeweer CST-D Germany 011.49.761.3837424 English, German
Rene Assink, PT, HP, DO, CST-D, BI-D Germany +49.171.743.77.1 English, German
Orsolya Gabriel, CST-D, CCEd, NP Hungary English, Hungarian
Diego Maggio DO, CST-D Italy English, Italian
Patricia Quirini, CST-D Italy 39.065693753 Italian, English
Rebecca Flowers OTR, BCP, CST-D Jupiter, FL 561.622.4706 English
Ton Bottema DO, CST-D Netherlands 011.31.316.331776 English, Dutch
Hans Huikeshoven CST-D Netherlands English, Dutch
Maarten Prakken DO, CST-D Netherlands 011.31.343.415997 Dutch
Kenneth Frey PT, CST-D New York, NY 212.245.1700 English
Ali Gabriel DrPH, MA, CST-D Phoenix, AZ 480.553.8355 English
Rita Benamor DO, BI-D, CST-D Portugal 351.213.976.338 English, French, Italian, Portuguese, Spanish
Susan Steiner OTR/L, CST-D Providence, RI 401.831.0985 English
Mario Jose Vega Hernandez, DO, CST-D Spain 619.078.285 Spanish, English
Fernando Barea Perez, DO, TO, CST-D Spain, Panama +34 667 52 43 73 Spanish, English
Matthias Moesle CST-D Switzerland English, French, German, Italian
Chas Perry Ph.D, CST-D Truth or Consequences, NM 575.894.4325 English
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